Pass your IELTS, CELPIP and PTE examination with our training.

With our comprehensive trainings, you can ace your score and get the band score you desire

Tutor-Led Learning

All classes are facilitated by expert tutors.

Hybrid Classes

Students can learn online and in physical classrooms.

Structured Curriculum

We offer a balanced teaching curriculum.

Helping you pass your English examination in flying colours.

Demystify IELTS and Academy is an institution born from the passion to help individuals excel in their International English Language Exams, including IELTS, CELPIP, and PTE.

Founded by Mrs. Agatha Okunorobo and currently facilitated by the founder and other instructors, Mrs. Judith and Mr. Udoka.

Our Academy at a Glance

Explore our achievement in numbers.

0 +
Students enrolled
0 +
Success Rate​
0 +
Years of Experience

Explore Our Courses

Whatever you aim for your exam, we have the perfect program to get you there.

Delivering the best required for success.

Over the last 3 years, we have been providing quality training for our students


Classes facilitated by expert and past successful international English exam candidates.

Exercises & Quizzes

Access to skills exercises, quizzes, and exclusive writing and speaking advice.

Structured Courses

A structured course covering Academic and General IELTS, CELPIP, and PTE exams.

Exam Insights

Exam insights from past examiners/graders that will help candidates prepare better.

100% Dedication

Over 12-18 lectures with 24-36hours of overall content in a month of training.

Success Tips

Success strategies and techniques  for each IELTS, CELPIP, and PTE test section.

Our Student’s Success Stories

We are overwhelmed with generous words from our students.

Let’s start your journey to your international English test success.